Our first 2 Mission Success!
PvE Guild Mission - Bounty [Easy Weekly], PvE Guild Mission - Bounty [PvE Opportunity][Medium] By killing Poobadoo the Quaggan in Kessex Hills we have secured 330 Favor for our guild in this Friday's Missions. Further 440 Favor were earned after the third attempt at a medium bounty...
Week 4 of our Uncanny Lottery
PvE Guild Mission - Bounty [Easy Weekly] This friday we had an early and easy mission once again of location Trillia Midwell in the Fields of Ruin. We had a small team of six people, as the mission was extremely early, and the mission time has been...
[GW2] UCLG Mission & Lottery
PvE Guild Mission - Trek [Easy Weekly] This friday we had an early and easy mission of locating 5 targets within 15 minutes. The mission was undertaken by a party of 5, and completed within just a few minutes. With the 330 Favor we gained, we finally...
[GW2] UCLG Victories & Lottery
PvE Guild Mission - Blightwater Shatterstrike [Hard Weekly] For the first time since launch, we've had the pleasure of doing a PvE guild mission. With 12 participants in a mission that recommends 15, we shattered the crystals and shot our way to victory and 550 Favor for...