UCLG Independence Charter
Only one day after the astonishing events of the Impossible Dreamers alliance becoming one with us, we are able to expand to yet another server! LumpyGravy, also known as Psmaster or, to me, Grumpy, has made the decision to leave his alliance and create an...
Impossible Dreamers
Today something absolutely astonishing happened: The seven year old Deliverance alliance Impossible Dreamers has joined the Legion! Together we now form a bi-server Wurm Online alliance with members from Xanadu, our first server, and Deliverance, our new addition. With both alliances combined, we reach over...
The Universe Within Us
2 Weeks Worth of Missions - Thanks to All Participants Below: THE UNIVERSE WITHIN ME! - Thanks to soulluth.2619 for this awesome shot! LOTTERY WINNER WEEK #12 - Ereschkigal.8520 Prize: Arcanus Obscurus LOTTERY WINNER WEEK #13 - Ereschkigal.8520 Prize: Limitless Furnace, Mothusi's Echoing Voice...
Group #### LOL
STOP RIGHT THERE! WE NEED OFFICERS! UCLG is expanding to Guild Wars 1 in order to provide members the opportunity of getting the unique titles and rewards associated with GW2 and to gain a better understanding of the story. As such, we are splitting the leaders'...
Double Lottery Round
PvE Guild Mission - Challenge [Easy Weekly][PvE Mission Slot] Thanks to tyger - the giant Norn in this picture, and her loyal followers whose names are readable on the screenshot, missions this week weren't only held without the leader, but succeeded. Huge thanks to all of...